MEGASOFT TopSupportLiquidLogicManual > Screen Description



Screen Description

▼Editor Screen
Editor Screen
When the width of the device is large, the filer can be displayed as a sidebar on the left side.

■Liquid Menu

Switch screens (editor, filer, FTP, browser).
LiquidLogic uses these screens by switching between them.
There is no idea or function to exit each screen.


You can switch search functions, enter a search string, and search next/previous/all.
The placement and layout of the icons will change depending on the width of the device.
When the width is large, a button that allows you to display the filer in the sidebar will be displayed at the top left.
If you switch from the search menu to replace, grep search, or grep replace, the contents of that function will change.
Please see each function page for details.

■File Menu

This menu displays file operations and settings, help, and app information.

New FileNew FileCreate a new file.
OpenOpenShow filer.
SaveSaveSave the file.
Save AsSave AsSave the file under a different name.
You can change the character code and line feed code with "Change Encording/Newline" and save.
PreviewPreviewHTML Previewof the file.
File infoFile infoDisplay File Information.
ShareShareDisplay the share menu.
HistoryHistoryShow File History. You can also display it by swiping from the left edge of the screen.
HelpHelpShow help.
SettingsSettings Display App settings.
App infoApp infoDisplay App information .

■File Tab Bar

This bar is used to switch and operate files.

File Tab
file tab
You can switch the current file by tapping.
You can change the order of files by dragging.
You can display hidden file tabs by scrolling left and right.
If auto-save is turned off in "App Settings", a change mark "*" will be added to indicate that the file has been changed.

●For the current file
Tap to display a menu where you can save the file or display file information. Close the file by tapping the "X" button.
A "Preview" button is displayed at the beginning of the HTML file. Tap to preview HTML.
「+」ボタン"+" buttonCreate a new file.

■Edit Screen

Specifies line breaks (3 types), TAB, full-width characters, and EOF (end of end) marks.
The reserved words and comments that are colored change depending on the applied language.
Various settings such as color, font, line spacing, line number, number of characters, and wrapping can be made in App settings .

▼Edit Screen

■Screen Menu

This menu is for file list, screen splitting, and preview settings.

▼Screen when split left and right

Tab listDisplay a list of files.
The red text is the current file.
You can switch the current file by tapping.
Edit Screen You can choose between normal display, vertical split, and left/right split.
Split display allows you to display different files at the same time, or display and edit different parts of the same file.
You can change the display width percentage by dragging the split bar.
*When dividing left and right, the right side will follow the width of the left side.
Preview settingsThis is the setting for the preview position of the HTML file.
You can select from the browser, the top of the editing screen, or the right side of the editing screen.

■Edit Bar

You can move the cursor and input by tapping each icon.
Drag the cursor movement button to move the cursor position, tap to display the edit menu, and double tap to enter selection mode.
You can display and enter input bars for numbers/punctuation marks, symbols, and brackets/comments.

Edit Bar

There is a function that becomes a separate bar when the width of the device is small.
Edit Bar

UndoUndo Undo last edit
RedoRedo Redo undo
insert TABinsert TAB Insert TAB/reverse TAB indent when selected
Back TABBack TAB Back TAB/reverse TAB indent when selected
ファイル先頭へTo top of file To top of file Cursor move To top of file
行頭へCursor to beginning of line Cursor to beginning of line
行末へMove cursor to end of line Move cursor to end of line
カーソル移動Move cursor Move cursor Drag to move cursor to desired position.
Tap to show/hide the edit menu.
Double-tap to select the word at the cursor position to enter selection mode, and the icon changes color.
Double-tap and cut/copy/paste will cancel Selection mode
ファイル末尾To the end of the file Move cursor to end of file
ジャンプjump jump to specified line
OCR機能OCR function OStart OCR function/td>
ChatGPT機能ChatGPT function Start ChatGPT function
数字/句読点類Numbers/Punctuation Numbers/punctuation input bar display
記号類symbolssymbols Symbols input bar display
括弧/コメントbrackets/comments Brackets/Comments input bar display
キーボードOFFkeyboard OFF turn off keyboard

▼Numbers/Punctuation input bar
数字/句読点類 入力バー

▼Symbols input bar
号類 入力バー

▼Brackets/Comments input bar
Comments are displayed if there is a language to be summarized.
括弧/コメント 入力バー